Archives for January 2019
Fight like a girl #LikeaGirl
This is a sponsored post for Always.
The point of the Always Live #LikeAGirl program is to show our girls what they can achieve in their world by helping them stay confident. Always and Walmart are encouraging girls to stay in sports and to persevere through failure—both of which are key confidence boosters. To make this possible, Always and Walmart are working to #EndPeriodPoverty.
Raising my Daughters to Play #LikeaGirl
Raising my Daughters to Play #LikeaGirl
This is a sponsored post for Always.
A girl’s puberty is a very big time in her life. It can literally make or break an event or situation. Although this is a big moment in their life, most girls go through a lot because of all the new things they are experiencing. One of the things that a young girl experiences with the coming of puberty is...
Top Places to Visit In Singapore
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