Yay, we got through our second week of Tag 😉
It was fun, I appreciate everyone who played along 😉
If you don’t know what Tag Tuesday is, take a peek here at the first post
Tag Tuesday is simply put a game of Tag 😉
There is a spreadsheet attached to this game, and unlike other follow me meme’s;
On Tag, you can post the url’s to your blog, twitter, facebook, networkedblogs, and anywhere else you want followers in 😉
Today is Tuesday, New blank list goes up,
Remember to Tag everyone else above you, we are going by honor system 😉
I do go ahead and Tag everyone on the list 😉
Here is the Spreadsheet
Also, if you can, pls help promote the word out 😉
The more people know about Tag Tuesday,
the more people will Tag you 😉
the more people will Tag you 😉
here is the link to this page:
A BIG thank you goes out to Jennifer at Product Reviews for helping promote “Tag”
If you posted about “Tag”, pls send me a comment and I will post your url here 😉
and just in case you really have to have a button 😉
my daughter is showing off her skills:
LizAnn says
Hi Lilly,
Happy Tag , you’re it….Tuesday. I hope you had a great week. My kids were home from school 6 out of the 7 days because of the holiday and the snow storm we had. Let’s just say it was a loooong week!
I have to tell you I really enjoy Tag, you’re it… Tuesday. I have found some wonderful blogs and met wonderful women because of it.
I intended to spread the word about it but ran out of time last week. I will try to write something before next Tuesday.
Have a wonderful week
Maureen Lee says
You have a wonderful blog. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate, but you have a great sense of humour (much needed when you have kids!). I’m from the TwitterMoms Follow group and am following you now. My blog is Just Show Up, for IDEAL WAY, a charity for special needs people, at http://ideal-way.blogspot.com.
YellowTennessee says
Tag, you’re it!
Lisa C. says
Following from Friday Follow!
Lisa C. says
btw.. also an unofficially issued Navy wife… lmao.. that was hilarious.. … also followed you on network blog.. FB.. Happy friday
Nicole says
Visiting (and following) from the Friday Follow!! Have a great day!
PS I enjoyed checking out your blog!!
joeandbridge says
Hi There! I am participating in my first Friday Follow. I have a brand new blog-I hope you can visit! I now follow and subscribe! Thanks!
Bridgette Groschen
The Groschen Goblins
HeartsMakeFamilies says
Hey just stopping by to say Hi from Friday Follow!
Happy Follow Friday!
Kinderbloom says
Love the idea of tag it and look foward it playing as well. Your blog looks amazing. I am following you from twitter moms and here is my blog as well http://kinderbloom-kinderbloom.blogspot.com/
Have a great weekend!
Felissa Hadas says
Stopping by to say hello with Friday Follow. Hope you have a fantastic weekend.
Please stop by my new blog and say hello