I haven’t blogged in here in a few days, reasons?
yes, I have them, lol…

here’s my timeline so you have an idea of where I’ve been, lol:

  • Saturday.  We  went to an awesome event at the SEALIFE Aquarium, to which I still have not had the time and strength to finish my review 🙁
  • Sunday. Anthony (4 yr old) spent the day complaining that his tummy hurt only to start with stomach flu later that afternoon, non stop V&D poor baby 🙁
  • Monday. We had a presentation to go to, and Anthony felt good enough to go.  He had a V episode in the car, but did great and even ate at the event.  The rest of the afternoon he was just miserable.  Couldn’t keep anything down. 🙁
  •  Tuesday. Anthony still had the stomach flu and I was in so much pain from my R.A I could hardly move
  • Wednesday. Izeah (6 yr old) woke up with a low grade fever and V, so I kept him home from school.  Ant was feeling better from the stomach flu, Izeah seemed to be trying to fight it, and I was in miserable pain from the R.A
  • Thursday. It hits the fan!!! I woke up with the stomach flu, Izeah went to school because his body managed to fight off the tummy flu 😉 and Anthony was feeling great, a real chitter chatter 😉  I was feeling cheap ativan canada sooo crappy, stomach flu in full motion, and the pain from my R.A was at it’s max.  Not a  good day.
  • Friday. Today was my baby’s 10th Birthday, and Mommy was just a full mess.  She went to school, I had spent the previous night crying to hubby to take me to the doc, I know I sound like a wuss being that Anthony braved through his stomach flu episode like a champ, but I gave up, I couldn’t stop visiting the porcelain god every hour, for 14 hours straight, 14 hrs straight.  I got a call from the school, asking me to pick up Lily, she was crying from a stomach ache.  Once she came home she told me she had been throwing up all day at school, boy will they get a horrible call on monday!!!!!!!!!  She spent the rest of the afternoon and night with the stomach flu.  Friday night, daddy surprised us all by bringing home a chocolate cake for Kiera, and he cooked a family steak dinner since it’s her favorite.  
  •  On a good note, I think I lost about 5 pounds, lol

 I still feel yukky, I guess it’s a migraine from being dehydrated, hopefully Lily will not keep that bug for too long
I hope you all have a great weekend 😉

V&D= vomit & diar. R.A= Rheumatoid Arthritis V=vomiting