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Her 13th Birthday!!!!
 Out of 6 kids, I was given 2 girls, and although the majority of their lives they have been a bit “un-girly”, for her 13th Birthday, my NEW Teenager wanted to dress like a girl for School 😉

militaryfamof8, @militayrfamof8, adventures of a military family of 8, family, military, veteran, military veteran, military veteran family, birthday, teen daughter, family

We all made such a huge hype about her 13th Birthday coming up, she was SO excited, AND THEN?

Her best friend was grounded so she wasn’t able to come over for a hug and some cake, money was tight so we couldn’t go out to celebrate like I would have wanted too, and the worst part was that EVERYONE forgot her Birthday!!!

No one called her, she kept checking her phone every few minutes hoping she missed a text, nothing.  Finally at 11:30p.m I asked my MIL why she didn’t call or text her Granddaughter.  She forgot!  She immediately called everyone and suddenly my baby’s phone was ringing like crazy.  Although she was happy they finally called, I can tell she was hurt, I mean it’s not everyday a girl finally becomes a TEEN!!! 😉

So to make her smile, because what kind of Mommy would I be if I didn’t make her smile?  I ran to the grocery store, bought her an adorable cake that looked like a rose bouquet, and we sang her Happy Birthday… again 😉

As she was getting ready to pose for a picture of her biting her cake, her baby brother ran under her and shoved the cake into her face!  We all looked in shock, I guess we were waiting and fearing for that teen scream fest…
suddenly she bursts out laughing and next thing I know, there is an all out cake war in my dining room!!!  There is no way I could have gotten mad after the crappy day she had, and as the photographer, I was spared from the battle 😉

militaryfamof8, @militayrfamof8, adventures of a military family of 8, family, military, veteran, military veteran, military veteran family, birthday, teen daughter, family
The outcome?!
An unforgettable 13th Birthday!!!!
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