i know it has been a while since i have said anything on here.
i had been going through a lot, and to top it off, the fires are now raging through san diego.
my prayers are with everyone right now, all we can do is wait.
today daddy didn’t have to go to work, so he got up, got the girls ready for school, and dropped them off in time for breakfast. then he came home and we went back to sleep. 🙂
the good thing is that the 2 boys love to sleep late, so we all slept in.
we got ready and as soon as the girls got home we went to the pumpkin patch. our management was doing another...
today we let daddy watch football for the most part. it wasn’t about him watching football though, he was just too soar to move, lol.
so about 5pm, we finally left the house, we went to look around in stores, just to get out of the house. we went to ross, taarget, and food4less. how exiting huh? we did manage to buy one thing.i had decided that anthony was going to wear...
Taking a Family Trip to a Pumpkin Farm!
Taking a Family Trip to a Pumpkin Farm!
Daddy woke up early this morning to be at Mission Bay at 8 a.m. for his weigh-in and measurements. I was proud of him, because I know he was so sore and tired. He was supposed to go for an hour but while he was there, since he couldn’t run like everyone else; Dave told him he could go, he went on his own to...
ALMOST THE WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
after being sooooo tired from being up until almost 4am, will took the car this morning. i didn’t even argue about it, lol. i just asked him to bring it by during his lunch so i can pick up the girls from school, since today was an early my surprise, he come home, cuddled up with me and went to sleep, lol.when i asked him if he had to...
today we went out with daddy for lunch again, just the boys, daddy and me, hey, i guess that makes me the queen of the day, lol.
as soon as i picked up daddy from work, the car started to make this loud weird noise with the ac on, so we drove to auto zone, after will hit it, it decided to fix itself, lol, or maybe it was the fact that the...
i am running sooo behind. i have been working on will’s blog, that i haven’t gotten a chance to catch up with mine.i finally have his blog set up, the one for the progress of the “project man make-over” contest he won. it’s linked in my profile and sidebar.
so today what happened???will went to work, i dropped him off, and me and the boys had another morning of...
ummmm, what did we do monday????let me see, i cleaned downstairs while the kids were at school, made them lunch and we watched dora, diego, backyardigans, and took naps, lol. it was a lazy day for us 3, lol.Ooooohhhhh, so will got off early today, at 6pm; cause prison break is tonight.picked him up, went to hunt for a long john’s silver, and got home exactly when the show started....
not that anyone missed me or anything, but i was gone since wednesday. we lost the internet connection.
THURSDAYi think we didn’t do anything, lol. well i did, i spent all day hoping that our paycheck would come in on friday. my friends came in tonight, but she had a different bank than we do. ours, since the 1st is on a monday, they will usually post...
so today we had our first adventure with lily having her first day of school. it was emotional for me, lol.
afterwards, i dropped will of at work, and we had talked about today. we decided that since joshua was going to go with his dad for a 2 week vacation, will, josh, myself, and the 2 little boys would meet up for lunch. man was...
well i fell asleep last night with my kidney pain and an oncoming migraine. only to be dissapointedly woken up by will who said
“hunny, hurry wake up, i have to be at work before 6am”
i can never function without my pepsi in the morning, and i haven’t had one in almost 3 morning. i’ve been a mess!!i came home and joshua had the girls up and dressed for...