Disney Movie: Moana Coloring Book Pages and Official Trailer

Disney Movie: Moana Coloring Book Pages

Ever since my children were babies, we have always been told that they look like they are of Samoan descent.  As a result, our oldest Daughter has been in love with Hawaiian and Polynesian dance since she was 4 years old.  She looked and felt like she belonged, which wasn’t always the case where we lived.

For many years she waited for a Disney Princess to look like her, when Tiana was introduced to the world, she literally cried with joy.  When my Husband left the Military after 15 years, we drove cross Country from California to New York, but before we set off on our drive; we had to stop in Disneyland.
When she met Tiana she sobbed like a little girl, it was by far the sweetest thing I had ever seen.  She told Tiana that she finally had a Princess that looked like her.

Fast forward to 2016, she has been anticipating this movie release as if it was the biggest thing in the world,
and in our world; it is!

She has marked the Premier klonopin online europe date for Moana on every calendar in the house, we all know that we are watching Moana as soon as we get tickets.  I love seeing her joy.  I love that at 16 years old she is still so mesmerized by Disney movies, as she was when she was five. Not only does she love to watch the movies, but as a big stress reliever she loves to color.  So you can imagine how excited she was when Disney released the Moana coloring pages!

To print these pages, click on this link and each page can be printed individually and full sized
Click here for Printable pages

Here is an adorable trailer of the movie

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arrives in theaters everywhere on November 23rd!

Stay tuned for some amazing recipes we are working on in celebration of Moana’s Movie Premier!