The great cast consisted of Justin Long, Hayden Panettiere, Christina Ricci, Danny Glover, The Late Great Dennis Hopper, Larry Miller, Eric Price, Chris Carmack, Vicki Lewis, Brian Donovan, Kevin Sussman.
The graphics were amazing! The storyline was beautiful! The action scenes were so funny! Simply put, everything about the movie was wonderful!
Although some scenes reminded me of other movies I have seen, Disney’s The Lion King was one of them, it was just an all around great and fun-filled time.
Either way, I guarantee that you will love this movie!
All of my children sat through the entire movie, the Forrest scenes were just beautiful! My 5 year old would scream, gasp, and reach out for flying objects, it was such a wonderful experience!!!
Without a doubt it’s a must see in my book. During the credits, there is a
Dennis Hopper
note, and it brought tears to my eyes, he was such a wonderful actor and talented artist, he is missed 😉
Go to their official movie website and see what all the fun is about 😉
Stuff could always be worse says
I does sound like a good movie, I love the beautiful scenes
Jacksmom says
We’re going to see it later this week when it comes out here!
Lily says
I promise you will LOVE it!! 😉
Shelly N. says
yet another advance screening, how I would love to go with you!
you make the movies sound wonderful!
Abigail says
can you adopt me? Your Family gets to attend all of these events and it’s so fun!